Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Character Scene/Script
(Scene: Sunny day, Knife feeding grapes to Trophy.)
Trophy Mmm. Lovin' these grapes, Knife. Say, Knife, how do you say "grapes" in español?
Knife Oh, shut up.
Trophy I don't think that's how it's pronounced, and I'm getting too hot. Turn up the ventilation, will ya?
(Knife whips out Fan and starts fanning Trophy.)
Fan Put me down, please?
Knife Ugh, fine! (tosses Fan in the air)
Trophy Up-bup-bup-bup-bup. No. Keep fanning.
(Knife catches Fan when he falls back down and begins to fan again.)
Fan I'm getting dizzy...
Knife (drops Fan) No.
Fan (gasp) What a suspenseful twist! (grabs popcorn and starts eating it)
Trophy Excuse me?
Knife I. Said. No! Show everyone the stupid picture! I don't even care.
Fan What picture?
Trophy (takes out picture) Oh, you'll see.
Knife Wait!
Trophy Ha! I knew you were chicken.
Knife No, I just wanted to say that you have grape juice on your chin.
Trophy Oh. (brushes away juice) Thanks. Now... (walks towards other team members, and whistles) Hey, losers! Get over here.
Baseball Can you please get over your giant ego for a second and not address us that way?
Trophy My ego isn't as giant as you, fatty.
Baseball (yelling) I'm not-
Trophy (holding the picture behind his back) Anyway, I want you all to discover that the Knife you all know and love-
Nickel Love?
Trophy -isn't what he seems. Warning: You may die of laughter. If you can't resist the urge to laugh, you may wanna leave.
Cheesy Darn! See ya, guys. (walks away)
Trophy Alright, here it goes... (shows the picture) Knife is a girly, doll-obsessed freak!
(All the Season II newcomers laugh, except for Box.)
Baseball Honestly, I don't care.
Trophy Are you serious? You actually support this?
Baseball Don't you remember Idiotic Island, that big cage we were locked up in last season when we were all voted off?
Trophy What does that have to do with anything?!
Baseball He had it in Idiotic Island. It was his hobby. Something to do. I had a book, Nickel had his rubber ball, everyone had something to keep them busy in there. Well, uh, except Paper, but he went crazy and tried to kill everyone. Is that what you want? Do you want Knife to go rabid and kill us all?!
Lightbulb I didn't need anything on Idiotic Island, and I turned out just grand. (makes a weird face)
Apple Yeah, Baseball has a fair point. I've stopped caring.
Fan I wouldn't judge a fellow fan.
Lightbulb Let's blow this popsicle stand. (starts to walk off)
Trophy Hey! Stop walking! This is some serious loserdom we have here!
Knife Well, well, well. Look what we got here. Guess you feel like a real loser right now. Of course! I know I sure would. Just remember: You're a jock, and I'm a jerk. You never had a chance against me from the start.
Trophy Oh, go jump off a bridge. (walks off)
(intro plays)
(The Grand Slams are gathered at the Elimination Area.)
MePhone4 Hey, guys! One of you is leaving the competition in today's elimination.
Balloon Oh! I can't wait to hear the Elimination Time theme again!
MePhone4 Uh, no, we're not doing that anymore.
Balloon What?! Why?!
MePhone4 Because it sucks! So this is your first elimination, so let me quickly explain the rules.
Nickel How about you quickly not?
MePhone4 Whoever doesn't receive today's prize, which happens to be a poison ivy burger...
Suitcase Why would I ever eat that?
MePhone4 I think the question is, why wouldn't you eat that?
MePad Well, because poison ivy results in redness, itching, swelling...
Test Tube Blisters! Don't forget the blisters! Heh, heh...
MePhone4 Nobody asked either of you nerds. Now, moving on. Suitcase and Knife are safe. (throws burgers to both, who catch them)
Suitcase Wow, Knife! Congratulations!
Knife Wow... Thanks!
MePhone4 So are Baseball, Nickel, and Balloon. (throws burgers)
Baseball Ahh! No we're not safe, you just threw poison ivy at us!
Balloon Oh, it itches! (scratches, then pops)
MePhone4 Cheesy, Soap, Microphone, you are all really annoying, but nonetheless get to live another episode.
Soap Yes! (dodges burger)
Microphone (loudly) Yeah!
Cheesy Whoah! Microphone! Quit with the tone! (dodges burger)
MePhone4 Now it's down to Box and Trophy.
Trophy Why in the world would the viewers vote me off?
MePad Oh, the great mysteries of life...
MePhone4 MePad, show the votes.
(The results are 739 votes for Box and 1945 votes for Trophy.)
Trophy What?!?! You can't be serious!
Cheesy A trophy that lost? Oh, the irony!
Trophy I lost to a cardboard box? He's not even alive!!! (stomps on Box)
Suitcase You monster!!!!! You're just jealous 'cause he's still in the game!
Trophy Shut up!!!
Suitcase Okay...
Knife All right, dude, that's it. No more Mr. Knife Guy!
Trophy Go ahead. Bring it on!! I've been waiting for this all... (Knife kicks him into the Rejection Portal.) NOOOOOOooooooo...
(Cut to MePhone4 with the contestants.)
MePhone4 So, anyway, today I decided not to have a challenge, and celebrate with a pizza party!
(The contestants cheer. Pizza Cutter enters with a pizza.)
Pizza Cutter Bon appétit. (slips on a mud puddle, dropping the pizza) Oh, sacrebleu! Uh, I mean, uh, ay dios mio!
Knife Um, that's Spanish.
MePhone4 Hey, I thought you said you were an Italian cook!
Pizza Cutter Uh, well, you see... (runs off)
MePhone4 Okay, well, that's not happening.
Balloon Oh, come on!
MePhone4 So now I guess your challenge today is to make a pizza! Each team gets a small kitchen and an Ingredient Dispenser. Just say the type of ingredient you want, and it'll make it for you. The possibilities are endless!
Lightbulb Wait, anything? (steps up to the dispenser) I want the pizza now. (She waits for a few seconds. Nothing happens.) Welp, looks like you're a liar.
MePhone4 I said ingredients.
Lightbulb Ingredients? So, pepper and hot fudge? (The dispenser generates these ingredients for her, to her delight.)
Soap Can we have a proper cookbook, please?
MePhone4 Yeah, and would you like a five-star chef to go with that?
Soap Yeah, that sounds wonderful!
MePhone4 Well, you can't.
Soap (gasp and points at MePhone4) You!
MePhone4 Anyway, you have half an hour to finish, so get to it. Chop-chop!
Soap Okay, team, let's get started on this pizza. Since I'm the only one trained with "proper" etiquette here, I elect myself for being the leader of this challenge. Any objections?
Baseball Fine by me!
Nickel Where do we start, neat freak?
Soap I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.
Nickel Well, you responded to me, so you clearly did!
Soap Anyway, Suitcase, Knife, Nickel, and Box, we need water, flour, sugar, salt, and yeast. Go.
Nickel On it!
(Everyone except Box zooms off.)
Soap But first... (The group zooms back.) ...wash your hands.
Suitcase Oh. Okay.
(Everyone zooms off again.)
Balloon What would you like me to do?
Soap Oh, right, we trust you now.
Suitcase (jumps back) Hey, Balloon! You can help me get the flower!
Balloon Oh... okay.
Soap Now, we need the cheese.
Cheesy Wow! That was a cheesy thing to say! Ha ha! Get it? Because it's cheese?
Nickel (carrying a bag of yeast) Wow, I think you get less funny every episode.
Microphone (standing next to a giant cheese grater) I got this grater. Now where do we get the cheese?
Soap You're looking at it! (motions to Cheesy)
Cheesy (realizes) Heh heh! Oh, come on, guys! That's not a grate idea! Heh heh, get it?
(Microphone facepalms.)
Soap Get. Him.
(Microphone and Baseball lunge at Cheesy with the grater, but Cheesy jumps and gets caught by Soap, who walks over and starts grating him.)
Cheesy Ow! Oh, come on, guys, that's de-grate-ing! (slaps knee) Can't you just let me hold on to a shred of dignity? (slaps knee)
Baseball Hey, make sure to shred the part where his mouth is.
Cheesy This is nacho best idea, Soap! (tries to slap his knee, but his legs have been grated off, so he slaps air) Hey, where's my knee? Where's my knee?!
(Cut to the Bright Lights.)
Lightbulb Hey, team! I came up with, like, the most supery, poopery, doopery... idea of all time! We're gonna make a cookie pizza!
Paintbrush That's. The dumbest idea. I've ever heard!
Lightbulb Like, a pizza, but the dough's cookie dough, and the cheese is shredded chocolate, and, who's ever heard of a candy pizza without an egg for protein? (holds up Fan's egg)
Fan (takes egg back) Hey! There's something living inside there! Are you out of your mind?!
Paintbrush Lightbulb, this isn't even a pizza, it's just a terrible idea.
Lightbulb Well, that's a little rude. You're pretty judgemental. Just because Test Tube is a test tube, you think she's good at science? Which she is, but that's besides the matter. And I'm a lightbulb, and I have bright ideas, but still.
Paintbrush Lightbulb, I don't see where you're going with this.
Lightbulb And what about you? You're a paintbrush, and girl, I ain't seen you paint nothin'!
Paintbrush (gasp) You take that back! You never make sense! Every challenge we lose is because of your horrible leadership!
Lightbulb Um, no, we won the last one.
Paintbrush Yeah, the only one which you sat out for! This team could use some "colorful" improvement. I say I'm the new captain! (Everyone but Lightbulb cheers and hugs them.) Ya hear that, Lightbulb? You've been replaced. Now go to the Calm Down Corner.
Lightbulb You probably shouldn't kick me off the team. It's named after me.
Paintbrush Well, I just did! Buh-bye!
Lightbulb (walks off) Well, there's no harm in making it anyway. This cookie pizza's gonna rock their socks off! (stops walking) You know, hopefully they're wearing socks, or something could go horribly wrong... (gasps, then keeps walking)
(Cut back to the other Bright Lights.)
Paintbrush Okay, guys! Remember, half a cup of cheese, not too little, not too much. We need to make it perfect!
Fan What toppings should we use?
Paintbrush (sarcastically) No, no, no toppings, we don't want to risk it. Just make it perfectly plain.
(Cut to Suitcase in a field of flowers.)
Suitcase Hmm, I'm not sure why they want flowers, but... (picks some flowers)
Balloon (walks over to Suitcase) Wait! We're doing this wrong!
Suitcase What do you mean?
Balloon Soap wanted flower, right? You have flowers!
Suitcase Oh, you're right! (drops all flowers but one) Phew! That could have been disastrous!
(Cut to Yin-Yang with the Bright Lights' pizza.)
Yang Hey. Hey, Yin.
Yin What is it?
Yang See that pizza over there?
Yin Yes. We're serving it to the judges.
Yang Oh no we won't! Haha, because I'm gonna eat it!
Yin Ha! Oh no you're not!
Yang Oh yes I am!
Yin Oh no you're not!
Yang Watch me! (swallows pizza in one gulp) Ewww! (gags) Garbage!
Yin We never even cooked it!
Paintbrush Okay, guys, I think we have all the- (turns around, gasps) What have you done?!
Yang Yin ate the entire pizza!
Yin No, you!
Paintbrush Both of you, go to the Calm-Down Corner!
Yang No, you!
Paintbrush No, you! (picks up Yin-Yang, then throws him, knocking over the Calm-Down Corner)
Lightbulb (walking over to Paintbrush) Hey there, brush-fulla-paint, how's that pizzer going? (gasp) Oh, oh lord, oh, it's gone! What now, I don't know...
Paintbrush Whatever! It's not like you did anything to help us!
Lightbulb (pulls out cookie pizza) That I did, my friend.
(The team, other than Paintbrush, marvels at the cookie pizza.)
Paintbrush Well, th-that's not even a pizza! It's just a giant cookie! We're still doomed.
(Cut to the Grand Slams.)
Soap We're doing good, guys! Now Box, where's the sugar I asked for? (Box stands silently.) Box, where's the sugar? (Continued silence.) Where's the sugar?! (More silence.) If you don't quit with that attitude of yours right now, mister...
Nickel Not like we'll need it anyway. We're running out of time!
Microphone (holding a pizza with a flower on it) Our pizza doesn't look very appetizing.
Soap Don't worry, I'll add my secret ingredient! (sprays disinfectant on the pizza, then wipes it)
Nickel (sputters) ...Really?
MePhone4 Time's up, everyone. Now, to introduce our guest judges: Window, Gamey, and Puffball Speaker Box.
Window It's great to be here!
Gamey Yeah, I can't wait to taste the pizza!
Puffball Speaker Box I'm starving! Where's the pizza?
Soap Here you go! (tosses plates of pizza onto the table)
Window (takes a bite of the pizza, then vomits) That's terrible!
Gamey There's a daffodil in my slice.
Soap What? (to Suitcase) Why is there a flower in the pizza?!
Suitcase You told me to get a flower!
Soap Cooking flour!
Puffball Speaker Box Well, it's not too bad. (eats pizza)
Gamey Plus, I taste disinfectant.
(Soap notices the rest of the Grand Slams glaring at her.)
Soap What? At least we know they won't get any diseases by eating it.
Test Tube Yeah, pizza can harbor dangerous bacteria, like E. coli, staphylococcus...
Knife Hey, Test Tube?
Test Tube Yeah?
Knife Shut up.
Test Tube Awww...
MePhone4 Well, I'm gonna not be a fat slob for once, and just not eat the pizza, so I give it a 0.
Window It was pretty terrible. I'll give a 2. Suitcase ruins everything, I despise her!
Gamey Well, I feel Suitcase made a forgivable mistake, so I'll give a 5, because a 5 seems generous enough.
Puffball Speaker Box Flowers are beautiful! I give it a 10!
MePhone4 You guys had a 17 out of 40, which is really pathetic. Bright Lights, where's your pizza?
Lightbulb Here's my pizza. (tosses it to the judges) Don't eat too much, though, it'll make you puffy! That one's for you, Puffball! (clicks her tongue, winks, and points) Am I the pizza maker, or what?
Puffball Speaker Box (eats cookie pizza) Definitely. I give it a 19!
Window This is fantastic! 10!
Gamey I've never tasted such a wonderful meal in my life! I love the shredded chocolate!
Lightbulb (nudges Paintbrush) Eh? Eh?
Gamey Absolute 10!
MePhone4 My fat slob self loved every last bite. I'll give it a 10, for a total score of 49 out of 40. Bright Lights wins again!
Baseball That's so unfair! That's over the total!
Puffball Speaker Box Doesn't matter. That pizza was so amazing, I want to eat it a second time! (regurgitates pizza, swallows again)
Baseball What even are you?!
Cheesy Water you guys thinking? Get it? 'Cause I'm gonna pour water on you!
(Cheesy pours water on the judges. MePhone4, Gamey, and Puffball Speaker Box all get shortcircuited.)
Window Haha! I'm not electric! (gets shattered by a thrown hammer) Ow!
MePhone4 Everyone, escape while you can!
(Gamey, Window, and Puffball Speaker Box start to make their leave.)
Puffball Speaker Box Nobody likes Inanimate Insanity anyway. (zooms off)
MePhone4 So the Grand Slams are up for their second elimination. Go to and click on the vote button for the contestant you, uhh... wanna vote for.
(The credits roll.)
(After the credits, Gamey, Window, and Puffball Speaker Box are shown standing in front of a car.)
Window So, you guys wanna carpool?
Gamey Sure, I'm game.
Puffball Speaker Box I call shotgun!

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